26 Mai 2013

Aoba 1/7 scale Figur

Aoba Seragaki is the protagonist of the game DRAMAtical Murder. He works part-time at a junk shop called "Heibon", and lives with his grandmother, Tae. Aoba has long blue hair, and says he cannot cut his hair because it hurts. He has a blue Pomeranian named Ren, which is his "All Mate". Aoba has a special ability called SCRAP, which allows him to control people's minds with his voice, though he can also destroy them. Due to his power, Aoba's mind was divided in three: the Aoba everyone knows, another personality symbolizing Aoba's SCRAP power, and Ren, whose role was to maintain the balance between the personalities. However, after the Rhyme incident 10 years before the story, Aoba and Ren lost their memories, Ren becoming a different entity in the process.
Quelle: Wikipedia

12 Mai 2013

Der Kellerschatz

Ich habe beim heimatlichen Besuch meiner Mutter geholfen den Keller zu entrümpeln und dann fiel mir eine alte Papprolle in die Hand. Neugierig, wie ich nun einmal bin, wischte ich den Staub und Dreck von der Pappe und entdeckte ein Feld für eine Anschrift, über dem „Feldpost“ stand.
Da ich mich auch für Geschichte interessiere und nur sehr wenig über meine Vorfahren weiß, habe ich die Rolle eingepackt und mit nach oben in die Wohnung genommen.

04 Mai 2013

Nendoroid #286 - Lily

Hersteller: Phat Company

Charakter: Lily
Serie: Vocaloid
Preis: 3.333¥

Größe der Figur: 10cm